April health insurance review

April health insurance which was established in 1997 is one of the leading providers in accident & sickness and private health insurance segments in UK.

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April health insurance which was established in 1997 is one of the leading providers in accident & sickness and private health insurance segments in UK. Company is part of international April Group, which operates in more than 35 countries and serves more than 6 million policyholders.

Needless to say, it helps company propose to its clients variety of insurance products. April offers such products as UK Accident & Sickness Plan, PMI plan, personal accident plan, life insurance as well as quite rare options as Employers' and Public Liability or Employee Benefits/Group Protection insurances.

Private medical insurance plan

The main advantages of having private medical insurance are that there is no need to be on NHS waiting lists (it also helps to get faster access to diagnostics), person gets access to have treatment in private hospitals and one more things is that the individual can communicate with the same consultant from beginning to the end of the treatment.

There are 3 level of cover available for this plan. They are called Foundation Cover, Foundation & Limited Outpatient Cover and Foundation & Full Outpatient Cover.  Besides, benefits that are offered with this plan can be classified in three groups: in-patient and day-patient treatment, out-patient benefits, other benefits. In-patient and day-patient treatment includes such services as hospital accommodation, nursing care, diagnostic tests (MRI, CT, Pet scans are included), physiotherapy, consultations, radiology and so on. These in- and day-patient benefits are covered by all three levels of cover.

All these three level of cover includes the same so called other benefits: private ambulance, home nursing (13 weeks per policy year) and NHS cash benefit which is available for up to 30 nights per policy year (£75 per night). However, only the highest level of cover provides full cover for outpatient benefits, while the simplest option Foundation Cover provides no coverage for outpatient treatment.

Accident and Sickness Plan

We compare plans from the leading health insurance providers

This plan is designed to help sustain financial security in case the person suffers from an illness or injury that prevents him from working. There are 4 main kinds of benefits plus one optional cover benefit. The person can get accident and sickness monthly, hospitalization, serious injury, accidental death benefits and unemployment cover (this benefit is optional). If he suffers from an injury or illness he can get from £250 and £2,500 per month until the person can return to work (or up to 12 or 24 months). Serious injury benefit pays a lump sum between £12,500 and £125,000 in case person loses his limbs or becomes blind. The same benefit is paid in case of accidental death.

Medical Cash Plan

Medical cash plan is designed to cover such costs as routine dental, optical and some other medical treatments. Moreover, hospital cash benefits are also included, for example, depending on a level of cover (there are bronze, silver, gold and platinum levels) such things as in-patient admission can vary from £17.50 to £70.00 a night and so on. This plan also includes sickness & accident cash, serious injury cash and accidental death benefits.

Sports private medical insurance

This kind of policy is designed for semi and full professionals. All sports are covered on that basis. Besides, benefits for this policy include unlimited cover for specialist consultations, diagnostic tests (X-rays, MRI, CT, PET scans). Medical underwriting is also not required. However, pre-existing conditions are covered only if they occurred at least 60 months before the policy is underwritten. Otherwise, they are covered only after two years after the policy starts.